The Gang - 60 Hr Film Challenge

If filmmaking is a giant task, a 60 hour film challenge would be the Goliath. We thought it'd be fun to be David over the weekend and take on a crazy challenge like the Colchester Film Festival's 60 Hour Film Challenge.

We got our team challenge Friday, October 2nd at 12pm and our challenge was the following:

  • Title: The Gang
  • Line of Dialogue: I'm going to phone them in the morning
  • Action: Trying to open a window unsuccessfully

We wrote the script to our short in about an hour and began right away on pre-production. We were lucky enough to get access to the Red Dragon so we started prepping for how we would shoot this movie and with the help of all our friends, we pulled together a wonderful cast and crew to shoot this movie.

We chose a film noir genre and chose to shoot in B&W for a few reasons. First, we'd have one more less thing to deal with in post and second, we can use regular tungsten lights and not have to worry about mixing color temperatures during the day. This really reduced the amount of time we'd need to set up each scene and could just focus on the cinematography and the story. All in all, this was an awesome little project to be involved in.

Shout out to Daniel, Dale, Jeriah and Ed for jumping on board on such a short notice and being so prepared with the script in less than 12 hours. Thanks to Mike, Sam, Angie, Christen and my little pup, Stacy and of course, my lovely wife, Myisha for all their hard work on pulling off this short film. We couldn't have done it without you all!

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